Forum o bocie TibiaNG oraz ElfBotNG
Witam, przedstawiam Wam skrypt, który atakuje pierwszego Elf Arcanista. Przydatne, np. na Elf Fortes.
Const Name=['Elf Arcanist']; SwitchAt=10;// the % of the current attacked monster //that if the monster has lass % hp than this, we Will NOt change to the stronger monster. function GetPlace(st:string):integer; var x:integer; begin Result:=1000; for x:=Low(Name) To High(Name) do begin if Name[x]=st then Result:=x; end; end; function GetCreatureByID(ID: integer): TCreature; var x: integer; begin Result := nil; for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do begin if x >= Creatures.Count then Break; if Creatures.Creature[x].ID = ID then begin Result := Creatures.Creature[x]; Exit; end; end; end; function IsCreatureBesideYou(c: TCreature): boolean; begin UpdateWorld; Result := False; if (abs(c.X-self.X) <= 6) and (abs(c.Y-self.Y) <= 6) then begin if c.Z = self.Z then begin Result := True; end; end; end; var x:integer; b:boolean; begin while not terminated do begin b:=false; updateworld; If (Self.Attacking<>0) then begin Creature:=GetCreatureByID(Self.Attacking); if Creature<>nil then if SwitchAt<Creature.Health then begin for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do begin updateworld; if b then break; if x >= Creatures.Count then Break; if Creatures.Creature[x].NPC then if Creatures.Creature[x].z=self.z then if Creatures.Creature[x].Name<> then if Creatures.Creature[x].Attacking = false then if IsCreatureBesideYou(Creatures.Creature[x]) then if GetPlace(Creature.Name)>GetPlace(Creatures.Creature[x].Name) then begin sleep(100); updateworld; Creatures.Creature[x].attacking:=true; B:=true; end; end; end; end; Sleep(100); end; end; [/hide]