- NG Phorum http://www.ng-phorum.pun.pl/index.php - Skrypty http://www.ng-phorum.pun.pl/viewforum.php?id=9 - Leczenie na huntach - Druid http://www.ng-phorum.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=10 |
Admin - 2009-05-02 10:00:39 |
Klikamy Follow na kolege i gdy ten będzie miał mniej niż 50 % Hp skrypt będzie siochał. Kod:Const MiniCreatureHP =50; // if your firned has 50% of his hp it will heal..change it as you like it. const ITEM_RUNE_UH = 3160; // Follow first the friend you want to sio and then start script // var Creature: TCreature; CreatureName: string; function IsCreatureVisible(Name: string): boolean; var x: integer; begin Result := False; for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do begin if x >= Creatures.Count then Break; if Creatures.Creature[x].Name = Name then begin if Creatures.Creature[x].Visible then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; end; function GetFollowedCreature: TCreature; var x: integer; begin Result := nil; for x := 0 to Creatures.Count - 1 do begin if x >= Creatures.Count then Break; if Creatures.Creature[x].Following then begin Result := Creatures.Creature[x]; Exit; end; end; end; begin UpdateWorld; Creature := GetFollowedCreature; while not Terminated do begin UpdateWorld; If Creature<> nil then If IsCreatureVisible(Creature.Name) then begin if ((Creature.Health) <(MiniCreatureHP)) and ((Self.Mana)>(70)) then Self.Say('exura sio "'+ Creature.Name) //name of friend else if ((Creature.Health) <(MiniCreatureHP)) then Self.Containers.UseItemWithCreature(ITEM_RUNE_UH, Creature); end; Sleep(1000); end; end; [/hide] |